Ray White Gladstone today played proud hosts to a special event on every Australian businesses social calendar – Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea.
Since 1993 people all over Australia have gathered in living rooms, community centres, schools and workplaces to celebrate this popular annual fundraising event.
Baked treats of all colours, shapes and sizes graced the Ray White Gladstone boardroom table, helping to raise over $700 in donations to Cancer Council Australia.
The highlight of the morning was the auction of a gift hamper, generously donated by agent Kerry Grills. Bidders around the room, went hammer and tong competing for the prize, with Gladstone real estate legend Edgar Allen taking charge of proceedings.
SuperChef Leonie Menz excelled with guests tucking into her famous Cupcakes and world renowned mini quiches.
However, unlike the Pecan Pie, not all may end sweetly. Ray White Gladstone principal John Fieldus was concerned that blood sugar levels across the office were on the rise following the event, leading to calls for calm.
“It’s too early to panic, but I’m worried today’s office productivity could mirror recent movement in the Gladstone property market,” Mr Fieldus commented.
“The morning tea was enjoyed by all, but it’s typical of the Gladstone market, a big binge in the morning followed by the sugar crash after lunch.”
Thanks to all that made the morning a success.